
What causes rosacea?


Figuring out exactly what causes rosacea is the first step to finding a treatment for rosacea.

While there's no cure for rosacea, there are skincare treatments for its symptoms. Research is ongoing, trying to pinpoint the exact cause of it. If you have rosacea, you know there are varying triggers that can set off a flare-up, and the research agrees with you: there’s no known single cause (for now).

There are generally five main triggers for rosacea. And with each one, there’s an effective option to treat the ensuing flushing and redness. Knowing what your triggers are is the first step in minimizing its effects.

If finding a topical treatment is your priority, trust that Riversol was developed by an award-winning dermatologist specifically to treat sensitive skin like yours. The rosacea skincare routine includes a gentle cleanser, anti-redness serum and comforting moisturizer – all formulated to work together to keep your skin calm, healthy and even-toned. And it’s all yours to try for 15 days for free.

Relief is just a click away.

And if you’re interested in learning more about the latest research about what causes rosacea, keep reading.

5 Leading Theories About What Causes Rosacea

01 Problems with Your Immune System

When your immune system isn’t functioning well, it could lead to the development of rosacea by creating abnormal proteins. These proteins affect the way blood vessels work and can cause redness or swelling (inflammation). The human immune system protects your skin from microorganisms, damage from the UV rays and also physical or chemical injury. Problems with your immune system can lead to long-term redness or inflammation, as well as blood vessel dysfunction often seen in rosacea.

02 A Reaction to Microorganisms

Reactions to germs on the skin may be the cause of skin redness or swelling. There are a number of different germs or microorganisms that can cause this:

Demodex Mite and Bacillus Oleronius

Demodex causes rosacea by way of a reaction to the proteins produced by bacillus oleronius, an allergic reaction to Demodex or other microbes that may be associated with Demodex mites.

Helicobacter pylori

Most commonly known for its role in acid reflux (heartburn), this bacterial infection in rosacea is debatable.

Staphylococcus epidermidis, chlamydia pneumoniae, and small intestine bacteria.


Sun Exposure

Ultraviolet rays from the sun are often a trigger for rosacea. People with rosacea often also experience photosensitivity. Wearing full-spectrum sunscreen and clothing to cover up the skin will have immediate benefits.


Inappropriate Blood Vessel Function

Facial flushing is common in rosacea and it’s due to increased blood flow in the skin of some rosacea patients. This means overactive blood vessels could be a cause of rosacea. Overactive blood vessels are a potential link to abnormalities in the nerves that control them, including those regulating body temperature, which is why overheating can lead to flushing in rosacea patients.



People with a family history of rosacea are more likely to develop the disorder. However, at this time genes related to an increased risk for rosacea have not been identified.

One method of discovering your personal rosacea triggers is ...

to keep a daily rosacea journal. Keep track of environmental and lifestyle factors while observing your rosacea symptoms on a daily basis. Track and record weather conditions, foods and beverages you consume, exercise, your stress levels, products you use on your face, medications you take, and anything that causes flushing (such as hot showers or baths). You can even try tracking apps available for smartphones. Interested in more information about rosacea? Click here to see our complete guide to rosacea treatment.

Knowing the causes of rosacea is important. But so is treating it. Here’s how…

If you’re frustrated by the cycle of redness, irritation and discomfort, effective skincare can help. Riversol is a leader in skincare for rosacea and redness-prone skin, and you can try it for free. Order your 15-day sample kit. It comes with a gentle cleanser, anti-redness serum, and a moisturizer - you can even customize it based on your skin type. There’s no strings attached, no credit card needed and no obligation to buy.